Female 82 years old Durban South Africa
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Profile Views: 2490
[ 66 ]
06/15/2013 06:55:55 |
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Never go to a movie, but saw Marie Antoinette and The Queen last year.
We watch sport on T.V. a lot, especially cricket. We are very proud of our team "The Proteas" touring England at the moment.
I love music as a whole except RAP. Love Michael Buble,(Everything) but definately not into Operatic stuff or classical. I need to add that I love "You Raise me up" by anyone, I have the Westlife version,
"Stars" by Simply Red, "From a Distance" by Bette Middler I have very sad memories of "From a Distance". It was played at a funeral I went to, but I still love the song.
Real life sagas, especially those set in Liverpool UK during World War 2. Joan Jonker is my favourite Authoress. I also like good Medical navels.
prawns and apple puddings
I battled to get a picture on my page, but succeeded after many attempts to put a Protea in my box. I have never had formal computer training, so have learned through trial and error. I am especially aware of never putting my E.Mail address or any personal info. on any old site. (Once bitten twice shy)
I have have had Dystonia for 12 years (look it up folks). My neck muscles and jaw are quite severely affected. Other than that I do all the cooking for my family especially for my eldest daughter who has a husband and 3 children to cater for. As I said before, my husband and I do invigilating at the Durban University of Technology. That brings in much needed extra money. My husband worked for Unilever for 37 years, but took a package after I became ill.
I love my husband of 42 years and our daughters with 5 grandchildren between the two.
I love wildlife and flowers and really enjoy watching sport on T.V. I played tennis in my youth, but not of a high standard.
I do not like the way people drive on our roads without any regard for others-the violent crime we encounter here too often.
I am also a person that wants to be in charge of my own life. I hate others trying to tell what to do and when.
My hobbies are Mosaic and Fabric painting, also watching cricket. I also bake, but my husband is diabetic and on insulin shots, so I try not to tempt him.
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