Happy Valentines !!
Female 77 years old Richards Bay, Kwa Zulu Natal South Africa
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 1398
  [ 208 ]
Christian - other |
09/21/2017 10:15:43 |
Gone With the Wind (An Old Classic), Dirty Dancing (I just adore Patrick Swayze), I love comedy's and love stories, dont like Horror movies.
Josh Groban, Country, I like any music Genre as long as it is not Jazz not a Jazz fan.
I have read so many books, but my favourite Authors are: Virginia Andrews, Wilber Smith and Danielle Steele.
I eat lots of fruit and veggies so I guess that counts as my favorite foods.
I am outgoing and Friendly, love the outdoors, I of course love my computer and the internet. I have 2 wonderfull girls.
Outdoors, Reading, My Computer and all my friends that live in my PC, Music.
Liars, Cheats and dishonesty!!
Learning to do Graphics, love Dancing and music although I cannot dance as I am wheelchair bound but that does not stop me from enjoying dancing.
alijonsa has 25 friend(s)