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mem_normal OFFLINE
70 years old
United States

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Profile Views: 2232
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JOB: Retired
RELIGION: Christian - other
MEMBER SINCE: 04/02/2008
LAST LOGIN: 02/20/2010 01:36:53

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mostly oldies

any thing that is the same color as a flower.

Current time in Portland -

Want to see what time it is here in Oregon just click on the above link.

Is coffee a food group, and too many others that I don't need lol.

Allot has happened since I was here last, but I had to stop by and say thank you for all the wonderful sweet comments you have left and the birthday wishes, maybe this summer I can get by once in a while.

If you can't find me I'm playing in my garden. I will probaly not be here much , just have not been with it latly, and it's time for my flowers and playing in the dirt.

I live with the person I love, we have 7 Chihuahua's and 3 chinese crested, my mother-in-law lives with us she is 80 years young and needs help getting around, I have 2 daughters and 2 sons and 6 grandchildren, love to play in my flowers when it's not raining, have COPD (lungs) but I try real hard not to let it get me down, I strive to be half the woman my Mother was, and have a couple of the best siblings a person could ever want.
The graphics I use were made for me by some very special friend at glitter graphics.
I love the ocean but not to close just a 30 min. drive and I'm at the beach could spend hours just sitting there watching and listening.
have been unable to work now for 9 years and hate every min. of it but love all the time I have had to meet some great people.
And please don't be shy if you would like just click add me and I'll be your friend.

Best images, comment images, layouts and more for your profile on SparkleTags.com
Best graphics, layouts, and more for your profiles! Click Here!


Family and friends, Truth, Grandchildren, graphics, Chihuahua's, Bald Eagles and Golden, and Chinese crested, sitting by the ocean and making friends.

May you have warm words on a cold evening,
a full moon on a dark night,
and a smooth road all the way to your door.

There are good ships,
and there are wood ships,
The ships that sail the sea.
But the best ships, are friendships,
And may they always be.

May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty.

lies and people who have to gossip about other people.
and sometimes my

My flowers
Love graphics, I get most all my graphics from http://glitter-graphics.com/ after you get to the web site (you don't have to join but can if you like free), look to the right hand side of the page there is a search box just put in what you would like to find when you find a graphic you would like to use click on it when that comes up scroll down to the codes the first code is for myspace the second code is for web sites like this, left click on the code it will highlight it then right click and click on copy, then go to the message box you wish to add it to and right click and paste, I hope this helps some and sorry if it confuses you more but just ask and I will try to help.

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