my profile
Female 95 years old deepriver, Connecticut United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 919
[ 3 ]
12/22/2012 17:29:53 |
any whom done it and real life storys
history mystery anything about other country's
Fish beef pizza pastry any-kind
no just Facebook and Hyves (dutch)
Iam a widow with 1 son and 2 girls.7 grandkids
and my 2year old great grandson whom I Call the
love of my live. he calls me Oma thats Dutch.
I was born in the Netherlands and came here in
1957 and lately i miss my fam in my old country
now i live in a small town 2 hours between Boston
and New-York. I do VOLUNTEER work at a senior center i day a week work in a trift shop and we
make lots of money that keeps the center going from all the donated stuff.
I love shopping , go on trips with seniors
love the Amish country in Pensilvania and must have gone there at least 6 times on trips ,its so peacefull and they live such a simple lives.
modern musik going grocery shopping big crowds
my computer needlepoint sewing . cant give up
my sewing machine yet just do my own alterations
annie1929 has 3 friend(s)