About Me
Female 74 years old Shevlin, Minnesota United States
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Profile Views: 1216
[ 42 ]
08/11/2009 08:51:27 |
Anything futuristic. I like to think about what the world will be like in 250 years.
Mainly country -- and not the new country, which is not country. That sort of music should get its own name. I like George Jones and Dolly and Charlie Pride. I like folk songs and civil wars songs, too.
I've read every single Anne Tyler book written and loved them all. I'm starting on Cormac McCarthy, because I loved 'The Road.' I've recently read 'The Handmaid's Tale,' and 'The Lovely Bones.' I like well-written fiction but not genre stuff.
How important is one's favorite color? I can think of a lot more important things about me.
Hotdish! All of them. I recently went on a cruise and I lost weight because I didn't like the food. Anyone can put an apple or a watermelon in the blender and call it soup. That doesn't mean it's a good soup. Give me scalloped potatoes and ham or green bean casserole.
I'm a retired attorney who practiced family law. I live with my ex-husband Wayne. (I see their 'marital status' doesn't have a category for people who live together, unless you want to say you're 'in love.' That just sounded too hokey for me.)
I like coffee and intelligent conversation; observing wildlife in its natural state; eluding traffic tickets; helping abused women; Thanksgiving; autumn foliage; the first snowfall; giving money when it is unexpected; watching 'The Office.'
I can't eat lefse any more, since I overdid it once. And I don't like most restaurant food, except for the Cheesecake Factory.
I love trivia. I'm the quizmaster of a trivia website. Stop in some night and play live trivia with the rest of the group at:
It's free and you don't even have to register.
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