Title: ₍✿')Miss you...♥')
Tags: Personal
Blog Entry: ₍✿') I know, I know that it matters HERE and NOW!...and yet the fall melancholy appears, savored with hot chocolate...in spite of everything, in spite and in spite!.... My dears, it's not sadness, it's nostalgia, this is it - my nostalgia ♥') HEY! (₍✿✿') AUTUMN NOSTALGIA For a moment from the past, when I spend a lonely evening like this again, I have typical autumn nostalgia, but then I look at the photo of us together Photo and I think of you. I think of the times we spent together and I know it was a wonderful time that will never happen again. and all I have left are the memories - my greatest treasure that no one else can my greatest treasure that no one can take from me!.... ♥') You were painted for me by the wind, with the brush of tender dreams I wish for this week The week is beautiful and fabulous as always With warm kisses (₍✿')