all about me
Female 64 years old Hartville, Ohio United States
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Profile Views: 2066
[ 6 ]
06/29/2010 22:13:28 |
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comedies, just saw pineapple express with my daughter, horror
like it all except rap and hip hop
love george strait
mysteries, crime drama, romance, horror
i love fern michaels, sherilynn kenyen, stephen king,and that cook guy who writes medical mysteries
electric blue..i have always wanted a car the color of blue at the bottom of a gas flame!
CHOCOLATE!!! can't live without it..but being a diabetic i have to limit myself. second favorite..
kettle cooked potato chips ohh the crunch!
i want to thank all you wonderful people for remembering my birthday! love, peace and hugs to you all!
since i have checked in last i had another grandbaby!! cute little Ricky, named after his late pawpaw. will upload a pic once i remember how! 
home health nurse, used to work in long term care with ventilators, bariatric, and hospice. took care of 50 patients1 big change going to 1 in home health1
widowed as of last august, 5 children, 4 and 99.9% grandchildren.
love playing around on PSP, and checking my email.
love to cook and bake
hug of a grandchild, unexpected call from my son in Iraq. seeing all my family together having fun.
beautiful flower gardens i have spent lots of time working on.,going to tae-kwon-do lessons with my grandson (i'm a yellow belt!)
drama..but i have a lot of it!LOL when my familys' heart hurts, being lied to
reading, cooking, playing on my computer
armymom11 has 6 friend(s)