If your heart isn't right on the inside, it's apparent on the oustide
Female 64 years old United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 664
[ 1 ]
Christian - other |
05/14/2009 12:50:08 |
Country, Christian, 80's - Classic Rock
Anything educational, Legal/Law, Medical
Puprles, Blue Teals, Pinks, Pastels, Brights
Pizza, Lasagna, Mexican, Chinese
I am not here as often as I would like to be and I apologize for that. Alot of stuff going on right now.
Mom, gramma, sister, daughter,
Snagging Graphics, PSPX, being online, some crafts, reading, writing, singing, listening to music
babeesisser has 3 friend(s)