Male 87 years old Arkansas City, Kansas United States
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 813
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Referrals: 0 Who referred me: sawood
06/16/2010 04:41:18 |
John Wayne, Charles Bronson, Clint Eastwood, Audie Murphy,
Old time Gospel, Country/Western,
The Bible, any good Zane Gray
Fresh veggies, bar-b-que, fried green maters, chinese, American, mexican, cajun,
I love GOD'S great outdoors, and especially the Spring time, and the Fall, such beautiful colors.
I spend a lot of time outside on my 20 acres, (of which I mow with a riding mower about 4 acres yard), and this year cut down on my gardening. Was planting around 65 - 70 tometoe plant's every year, and canning them, giving them to my friend's at Church, but this year I only planted like maybe 20.
family, friends, Honesty, Church, fresh air, Life in general, home grown "MATERS", COOKING (specialty) bar-b-que, (have catered to 200 people). Swimming in my pool.
dis-honesty, rude people, smoke filled rooms, house-work, Price of Gasoline
Gardening, wood working, cooking, yard sales, traveling,
beaujames has 5 friend(s)