Tomorrow will be yesterday and it will be gone. Make the most of it today.
Female 77 years old Australia
Arcade Champs: 0
Profile Views: 949
[ 70 ]
12/11/2011 14:16:21 |
Family, animated, musicals, comedies,adventure, documentaries, anything with a good plot. Do not like 'Blood and guts for the sake of it' movies.
Love Aussie Country Artists along with a wide variety of musical likes from New Age, Rock to Classical/Light Opera. Dislike Heavy Metal.
A vast range of literary likes across all genres.Fiction, Non Fiction and Reference.
Blue rose pink. Aqua-marine. Blue.
From the size of me, obviously pretty well anything edible. lol.
I do tweet and face book but don't get there very often
I am now a free spirit with three sons, two step-daughters, two step-sons, currently two daughters-in-law and 13 grandies.
Perfect peace and harmony all round. Love the land of Oz.The bush,rivers,ranges,oceans,beaches, flora/fauna,outback,rainforest & desert.
Like craft,photography,books,music,computer,folkart & fun.
Living in a state of limbo...
Photography, Folk Art Painting, Sewing, Knitting, Crafts. Australian Pioneer History. Australian Birds, Flora, Fauna & Marine Life. National Parks. Sea/sandhills/cliffs/beach. Camping, Fishing,4WD treks. Historical Buildings. Anything to do with the Australian Outback, Rainforests & Reef. Also the heavens i.e Planets, night skies etc. I love to go wandering by myself (or with my sons when they can visit) taking in and photographing the wonders of Oz and nature. Love spending time with my family.
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