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Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
I was born in the early 1940's and grew up in the 50's and 60's. You hear a lot of jokes about our childhood. They just have no way of knowing how it really was.! I remember some kids and their parents coming to our house sometime in that time frame. They were cousins from another state and must have been a big city. They thought we were so dumb and backward. The kids went with us to gather eggs in the hen house. They asked so many questions that Brenda and I looked at each other and... Read More
Going back in my time machine my first memory takes place Mid-January 1952. My Dad had suddenly become very ill on New Years Eve, and was rushed to the hospital by the Morning of January 3rd, he was dead. Of Encephalitis, an infection of his brain There were 3 of us brother age 12, myself age 5, and little sis age 2. About a week after the funeral, which I have no memory of, it was snowing hard and very cold, someone knocked on our front door a door we never... Read More
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