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Tag: a-z
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 12 Blogs.
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It was September of 1958, and most of my nursing classmates were the same age as me, fresh out of high school and away from home for the first time. Life had certainly taken a turn.We had three weeks of classes to learn some basic nursing skills before our first assignment. In addition, we were also taught us how to properly “assemble” our uniform, and the importance of being on time. We were reminded to show respect to both the doctors and the patients wherever we met them. We still wondere... Read More
The first time I was told to consider writing blogs in the a-z Challenge, I told my friend that I didn’t have time, didn’t know what I would write about, and to leave it to others who were better writers. Another friend reminded me that I always have lots to say (invited or not), so what would be so hard about writing a blog. When I finally did get started, it got my ‘old brain’ in gear, and I started to enjoy the exercise of deciding on a topic for each letter, and getting my thou... Read More
As much as I am enjoying the autumn colors as we are travelling, through the mountains, and near the ocean, I can't help but be reminded that winter will soon be here. Our decorations will change from pumpkins, colored leaves, and harvest grains to red cranberries, evergreen trees, and a jolly guy who goes by the name of Santa, when he works at the Mall. The month of December is probably the busiest month of the year, if you have family and business commitments. School concerts, office par... Read More
Here comes another "Armchair Travel" episode. It has been rolling around in my head while I have been dealing with this summer's unusual routine; in and out of medical facilities, and other items on my "to-do" lists that didn't always include my computer. I will let my PHOTO STORY to tell you about...REMEMBERING THE RED ROCKSPlease click on the above title. I hope you enjoy it.... Read More
We had long talked about venturing north in British Columbia to see some new country. I did know that a friend from my junior and senior High School lived in Quesnel, but hadn’t heard from her for years. We decided to head north, hoping we would be able to track down her and her husband, but if we weren’t successful, it should be an interesting trip. We had the map of B.C. (paper in nature), and stopped at anything that look interesting along the way. We learned that we would travel on t... Read More
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