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Grasse ma ville
Posted On 04/08/2024 11:06:34 by simone

ma ville de naissance fête à 25 ans
Grasse est une ville majeure du moyen-pays de la Côte d'Azur située dans l'ouest du département des Alpes-Maritimes à 12 km au nord de Cannes5 sur la côte méditerranéenne. Elle est aussi dans le Sud-Est de la France. Sa distance à vol d'oiseau avec la préfecture de Nice est de 29 km pour un cap de 79°, et avec la capitale nationale, Paris, est de 677 kilomètres pour un cap de 330°5. Sa superficie est de 4 444 hectares (44,44 km2) constituÃ... Read More

A New Year..A New Beginning…A Gift of Time
Posted On 12/31/2023 16:55:30 by momtocam
The New Year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing. As a blessing, we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us an all that was harmful be left behind.Though even thinking on the subject of time may prove discomforting, it is not a bad idea—especially at the beginning of a New Year. As we look ahead for 2024, we look at a block of t... Read More

Storm Agnes has arrived in Uk
Posted On 09/27/2023 04:21:08 by Kristina
Prayers needed for dangerous storms hitting Uk today..Storm Agnes to bring 75mph winds to the UK todayAs Storm Agnes is set to arrive to the UK today Britain is bracing for 75mph winds and torrential rain.Three yellow warnings have been issued for Wednesday so far, including two for rain and one for wind, with one remaining in place until Thursday morning. a danger to life warning was also issued by the forecaster for Wednesday and Thursday.Last night, the Met Office said the storm was ‘intens... Read More

Time Out For The Hooker
Posted On 08/26/2023 13:27:56 by yourchoice
It has been several months since you have heard from me, and I must break my silence now, to let you know that I’m still breathing. It has been quite a time for us… most of it have been happy times. We’ve dealt with some health issues, have tried to be disciplined enough to follow any instructions that have been given, and be thankful for every day that we are still able to enjoy in our country home. Our neighbors have been warned that as long as we both have our driver’s licenses, they... Read More

I survived the DMV office
Posted On 07/15/2023 20:19:28 by momtocam
So yesterday (Friday) I decided to renew my drivers license..even though it doesn't expire till end of next month. Earlier I had made an attempt to schedule an appointment, which would have made things so much easier. Apparently, that was no longer an option, as the earliest spot available is September. My courage and just plain annoyance of this dreaded requirement of life, nudged me on to their office mid day. Mind you, they don't even allow you to come in till after 12 pm. I drove up precisel... Read More

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