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Tag: aging
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 6 Blogs.
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I have had a real time of it. Talk about having a senior moment. It all started last night. I don't know what time it was when I last sent an email. But right after that my system popped up and said it wanted to do an update and that it would take "a while" to do it. A while turned into hours. I watched all the Gunsmoke episodes I had recorded and was starting in on the Walker, Texas Ranger recordings before I finally got an "okay." The screen just said,... Read More
"Shuu Shuu, Baby, I want to hear what they are saying.""One is all I will allow. It is just too dangerous for both. While one is out the other will be locked in the closet." My new grandmother had her hands on her hips. She did that when she was laying down THE LAW. Honey, gave her a hug and a nod of her head."What are you going to do about...?""Jane, I got that covered. I am going to make a cake from scratch and she will be so distracted to realize what is ha... Read More
On the news today I saw a story about a woman who celebrated her birthday by jumping out of a plane. She was one hundred and two. Then I remembered my grandmother's older sister, Lilly, celebrating her birthday when she was also one hundred and two. Lilly, was a real hoot. She wore a bussell because she did not have much of a bottom. I used to get a kick out of watching her turn her back to a mirror, then hold another mirror up so she could see what she looked like fro... Read More
I was in the store the other day. We all looked like a bunch of bandits waiting to check out. I noticed a woman in another line was purchasing a small gun. I looked at this white haired woman and wondered if the news of the day had caused her to make such a purchase.Then she started to check out. The cashier's cell phone rang, he did not look up but started playing with his cell phone. Without looking up he said, "Strip down." Now, the poor woman shrugged her shoulders and removed her hat. ... Read More
Let me start out this blog by saying I am so glad to be inside where no one can offer to help me. Yes, re read the last sentence.. That is what I said to myself one day.. just last week. I spent an entire hour trying not to get help.It all started when I went out to get my mail. My house fronts out to a major highway and is across the street from a rest stop for truck drivers. Huge rigs park while the drivers rest or sleep. I went out my front door and headed across... Read More
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