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Tag: autumn
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
I should stop trying to explain why I’ve been off The Hill for a spell! Who cares, anyway! I spent last evening just browsing around The Hill and dropping a few ‘Hi… how are you?” messages. Blogs have always been my favorite spot to browse and I did have some catching up to do. I read several blogs by Allen… I hadn’t met him before. His subjects are diverse and I concluded that he (as I do) likes to use words and photos in his communications. I will drop by when I can to catch up on... Read More
I'm finally back in "my groove", after a wonderful autumn road trip. Being that my next A to Z Challenge letter is 'T', I decided to share a bit of our TRAVEL experience on Vancouver Island. We first visitied the area on our honeymoon, only 53 years ago, and had returned once until this trip. Our granddaughter is attending U of Vic, so we were able to spend a couple of days with her. The gardens were in full autumn splendor, and with all the walking I did with our granddaughter, I can say that m... Read More
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