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Tag: baby
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
When my little Pomeranian Foxy Lady died from a pit bull that a man had taught to fight. I was praying for her to live. Unfortunately, she died instantly, I never thought I could love another dog like I loved her. The other dog was put to sleep since he could not be trained not to fight. Even that dog's death did not help my grief for my lost companion. You see Foxy Lady was born on my wedding anniversary and was given to me on Valentines Day. I felt she was my love child. My husband and childre... Read More
Kids can get weird ideas that grown ups never suspect. We didn't have TV but someone gave Mamma some magazines once. I didn't really see anything I wanted to read but I was fascinated by some of the pictures.One picture that stands out in my mind was of a baby riding on a cloud. The beautiful baby was lying asleep on the big fluffy white cloud. Oh Man now I made up my mind to do that. I could just feel myself floating around on that cloud.I asked Mamma one day how I could... Read More
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