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Tag: bargains
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
If you have visited me on my profile page, you will have learned that hubby and I enjoy Garage Sales (often called Boot Sales in England), and any other place that offers a bargain. This month there has been a myriad of Community Garage Sales in our town, as well as in the city. We love to chat with people, love to discover something that we didn’t know we needed, and items that are just too cheap for us NOT to buy them. In one of the new districts in the town where we shop, there were over 50... Read More
My husband is hard on clothes when he is working in his shop, especially when he was working on his vintage John Deere tractor. Cleaning out old grease, sand blasting old paint, welding, and whatever else he could think of doing would wreck his clothes, so he would go to Value Village for more pants and shirts, and a jacket to wear when it was cold. While he was doing his shopping, I would stay in the van and read. I had no interest in “browsing” through rows of used stuff. On one occasion,... Read More
About five weeks ago, I posted the following photo on Facebook, with the comment, “NOT AGAIN”! My friends would know exactly what I meant.Those are my feet … and I still have that air cast attached to me in my waking hours. It is the fifth time that I have had a fractured foot. My right foot (considered to be my bad foot because of a previous break) is now apparently my good foot. If I don’t have something to touch when I walk, my balance is terrible. As a result, I need to use a walker... Read More
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