BLOGS: A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about.
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Tag: cat
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 15 Blogs.
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While I did recently upload a couple of new pictures to my Gallery, I really hadn't looked at what else I have in there for some time! So I just now decided to go through the pictures and delete some. Do you ever do that? Wow...I didn't realize how many photos I've uploaded over the years. Another reason I was looking at my Gallery was that someone asked if my new Sig tag was 'my cats'. No...if you look closely, you'll see (in the upper right corner) the name of t... Read More
The news is filled with stories about people who have been scammed by a phone call, an email, and even in person. The temptation is to think that it will never happen to us. Why would any decent person want to hit on anyone, young or old, to make them miserable or even destitute. Maybe we are even tempted to wonder if the persons who were scammed were just too gulible and hope they have learned their lesson. As of last week, I have a story to tell; (watch for the 'red' flags. For a lot of years,... Read More
It’s been quite a year, and I wish you all a Happy and Wonderful New Year! I’m sure that the past year has been similar for most of us… some ‘hav- to’ jobs, some happy moments, and lots of spare hours. As I wrote in our year-end newsletter, I did a bit of cooking, a bit of cleaning, a bit of napping, and spent many hours refreshing memories through boxes and albums of photos, writing letters, sending emails and text messages, and talking on the phone. I use my computer every day, but I... Read More
Good neighbor boot camp continues as I am once again forced to have a chat with my neighbor George. Bertha and Oscar seem to love playing together. George still insists on walking Bertha down the street. The dogs still discuss the situation... Loudly. A familiar smell told me I was going to have a talk with George. Poor dear. He is so proud of Bertha. He actually smooches with her. George loves the loud purring and meows as the cat rubs against him. All of... Read More
Hello all of my fellow Hill Members. I wanted to share a few thoughts I have to explain my actions on whether to accept a friends request or not. I have chosen the blog section as a bulletin would only be seen by my existing friends only and a blog allows you to reach out to all. I have received quite a few new friends request from members who have several different account here on The Hill. Know, I love having friends, and especially new friends which... Read More
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