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Tag: cellar
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
I used to be afraid of storms. Seems the lightening and wind never bothered me, it was the thunder. But I think what scared me the most was the storm cellar my parents took us to when it was storming. They would bundle Norman and I up and carry us up to the corner house to the closest storm cellar. I can still feel the bouncing as my Daddy ran with me. I don't think Norman minded it much he just didn't like to be woke up. Daddy and Mama would wear rubber boots because that old cellar alway... Read More
When I was about 6 yrs. Old my Papa Thomas asked my Daddy to take him to see his Aunt Samarah. I'm not sure if she was his Aunt or some other relation but he called her Aunt. Papa called her Sa-mari. She was 90 yrs.old and lived in the home place in Swain Ar. with her Daughter Rhoda (RODY) and one of her sons. I can't recall his name. The house was way up in the mountains across hills and around curves. I remember thinking that we would never get there and if we did we would never find our w... Read More
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