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Tag: courage
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
I have been enjoying some quiet hours this last while, as we have are adjusting to our self-imposed “quarantine”. Hubby and I are finding our “quiet spots” in an effort to divert our attention from worrisome and sometimes depressing news that tries to invade all of our waking hours. It seems that the more we hear, the more questions we have. Which of the announcements and reported as facts do we believe? Where do we go to find a reliable source of information? Even for those of us who ha... Read More
While trying to decide on a topic for my next blog in the Alphabet Challenge, several words kept creeping into my mind. Several were familiar words I heard at a very young age, in our home, in Sunday School, and from my Grandfather. I learned the words when memorizing Bible verses, hoping to win one of the prizes that were offered to the child who memorized the most verses.There was never the option to question what we were taught in Sunday School or by members of the family, but that eventually... Read More
I was sitting here today thinking of all the people I have met in my lifetime, who have left a strong impression on me. One such person was Phillip. I first met Philip and his mother when I was the Aquatic Director for our local YMCA. Phillip used to come in with is mother, she would sit down on the bleachers pool side as he would be doing laps in the 25 meter swimming pool. Phil was 22 years old and I was 37. He a very bright, happy and friendly ma... Read More
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