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Tag: cowboy
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
I decided, because of past events that have recently popped up in my memory, to share this blog that I wrote in the A-Z Alphabet Challenge a couple of years ago. I guess this is my "Throwback Thursday" story...______________________________ _______________________ I would like to introduce you to a guy I met many years ago. He was a lot older than me, but the first time I laid eyes on him, I knew I wanted to get to know him better. He was gorgeous, and to me, he looked like a giant with a gr... Read More
Friday was the kickoff of the annual Calgary Exhibition and Stampede. It starts with a huge parade in the downtown core, and turns the city into a crowd of pseudo-cowboys who learn very quickly the YAHOO greeting, and trade their fashion clothes for blue jeans and cowboy hats. Here`s a short video to watch of the parade.CALGARY STAMPEDE PARADE - 2014As for us, we watch the events on TV ... it`s not as crowded as it is downtown! ... Read More
This blog may take me off the 'Favorite List' (if I ever was on that list), but here goes ... Some of you may know that the 10-day Exhibition and Stampede in Calgary, Alberta is almost over. It seems that there are two constants every year ... thousands of people attend from all over the world ... and animal rights groups working hard to make the headlines. Yesterday, in the steer wrestling competition, accidental injury to the steer caused the three vets, who were working the infield,... Read More
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