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Tag: death
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
Hey David, Hi Cuz, Think of you this time of year every year since 1962. I remember you as a young man, 17 years old. We were on our way to Grandma's house. You lived next door. You were not too big, and had a slight build. But had been working out so you would be in great physical shape. Your hair was cut in a butch and you waxed it so the front was always stiff. Your Sister Mary, was older, and she really knew how to dance. I rem... Read More
Up and at 'em folks... And a hearty good morning to all..and sundry. (You know who you are.)... First:.. Thank you to all who have left comments..It is so very much appreciated. Second: As most of you are aware, I have taken a sabbatical to write a book. The book is still a work in progress, but I have finally managed to approach the year 1800. Not bad at all I figure, given that I started in Beringia at the end of the last ice age. 10,000 years (give or take), is not a bad ye... Read More
I certainly do not mean to bring anyone down but I have to get this out or I will cry all night. This past year (actually almost two years) has been, well...less than good. My life changed drastically, but probably for the better; no, definitely for the better, but that is not why I am here tonight. I graduated high school in 1966. In this past year, I have lost so many of my classmates that it is staggering. Just two days ago, I received a message from the son of a girl (see? ... Read More
My heart is heavy this evening. I miss my Mama so much. Every time that the phone rings, I expect it to be her. I cried and cried earlier and now my blood pressure is through the roof. I want to run and scream and cry and I cannot because I am afraid too. I cannot accept the fact that she is gone. In my mind I know that she is no longer here, but in my heart I just cannot accept that I cannot go see her or call her. I need her more now than I ever did before. I need her to be my Mommy an... Read More
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