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Tag: easter
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
When I was about eight years old my little sister asked me a question I had asked myself for several years. I considered myself her guardian since her birth. We had spent two years in an orphanage. We were adopted together when I was five and she was three. I too had been curious about a rabbit that laid chicken eggs... decorated chicken eggs. Now, no one had ever been able to give me an answer I could accept. I always told my sister either the absolute truth or something that would comfort her.... Read More
The Saturday before easter Sunday at our house was a little like Christmas Eve. We had the bus ready to go pick up the group of homeless people that had gathered under a bridge close to downtown Dallas. Ray, my husband, had enlisted the help of Andrew, a doctor who had served in Vietnam. Andrew was a very large black man who had lost an eye and one arm before coming home from the war. He was as tall and big as Ray. Ray stood 6'6" and weighed in at 285 with snow-white hair. I called them the s... Read More
I have been enjoying some quiet hours this last while, as we have are adjusting to our self-imposed “quarantine”. Hubby and I are finding our “quiet spots” in an effort to divert our attention from worrisome and sometimes depressing news that tries to invade all of our waking hours. It seems that the more we hear, the more questions we have. Which of the announcements and reported as facts do we believe? Where do we go to find a reliable source of information? Even for those of us who ha... Read More
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