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Tag: eat
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 26 Blogs.
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I don’t have to check my calendar … I just have to see the department in my chosen shopping location, to see the massive displays of Halloween costumes and other paraphilia to prepare for the end of the month. It seems that the majority of costumes are for adults. I grew up in a time when Halloween was a school party and a tour of the rural neighborhood, to sing a song or recite a verse at a neighbor’s front door as payment for a treat that could have been made in the their kitchen. There... Read More
It has been quite the start to the year os 2018. Conflict, disasters, social issues, and slumping economy have grabbed our attention. But I am not going to delve in any of those topics. There are better things to talk about.>There has been a lot of talk in our area about Zeros… at least in the weather. There has been so much snow, that the city doesn’t know what to do with it. Transportation has been difficult at times, but most days, workers did manage to get to their jobs. What about th... Read More
H – Hobbies I guess that most people have a Hobby or had hobbies during their life. I know of exceptions where folk are not and have not indulged in this rewarding pastime. It just has never interested them. I have always found these people to continually say that they are bored, time drags………I guess I’m crazy but I don’t understand this as I just don’t have enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I want to do and have always been that way.The main Hobbies that I concentrate... Read More
I have been hit with a bit of nostalgia this evening. We’ve had so much hot weather in our area this month, and we’re not used to it. I can cope much better when it is cold. I heard this statement a long time ago… “When it is cold, we can always put on another layer of clothes; when it is hot, we are limited to how much we can take off before we could be arrested.” I have a feeling that doesn’t always apply these days. Even on moderate days, we can see far more that we need or... Read More
It must be the snow in the air, but I’ve been enjoying home time the last couple of weeks. I must say that I don’t remember ever being bored, and I’m sure that the computer has much to do with that. Sitting by my window, and watching a fresh blanket of snow forming on our back patio, I came up with the idea for my next A to Z Blog Challenge.Thinking of topics that could start with ‘Y’, the first word that came into mind was Yardley. I had to go to Google to find out if it was a real En... Read More
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