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Tag: eginnings
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
The New Year, like a new born child, is placed in our hands as the old year passes away. The days and weeks to come are God’s gift; they carry God’s blessing. As a blessing, we welcome them. Our hope for the year ending is that all that was good in it remain with us an all that was harmful be left behind.Though even thinking on the subject of time may prove discomforting, it is not a bad idea—especially at the beginning of a New Year. As we look ahead for 2024, we look at a block of t... Read More
So a few days ago, I learned that The Banner News would be ceasing publication. At first I was taken by surprise, yet at the same time, my inner being reminded me that with endings come new beginnings. I’ve witnessed this many times in my life. ... Read More
When I received my first computer, there was no such thing as an email or an ebook; I hadn't even heard the terms before. I had enough trouble identifying with a machine that looked like a typewriter but worked on its own with no need to press 'return' (on my electric typewriter), or grab the handle to move to the next line on my high school typewriter. It was fast too, typying 17 characters per second. The idea of being able to communicate with family and friends in another province or country,... Read More
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