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Tag: ens
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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When I was about eight years old my little sister asked me a question I had asked myself for several years. I considered myself her guardian since her birth. We had spent two years in an orphanage. We were adopted together when I was five and she was three. I too had been curious about a rabbit that laid chicken eggs... decorated chicken eggs. Now, no one had ever been able to give me an answer I could accept. I always told my sister either the absolute truth or something that would comfort her.... Read More
I wasn’t looking forward to arriving at ‘K’ in this alphabet challenge until last night… in the middle of the night! What do you do when you can’t sleep? I get out of bed so I don’t wake up my hubby, go to my computer (in another room so that I can turn on a light), make myself a cup of coffee and start to read. I do most of my reading on my computer now, books or articles, because the printing is bigger and the page is brighter. Reading tends to make me sleepy, and I often sleep the... Read More
I'm finally back in "my groove", after a wonderful autumn road trip. Being that my next A to Z Challenge letter is 'T', I decided to share a bit of our TRAVEL experience on Vancouver Island. We first visitied the area on our honeymoon, only 53 years ago, and had returned once until this trip. Our granddaughter is attending U of Vic, so we were able to spend a couple of days with her. The gardens were in full autumn splendor, and with all the walking I did with our granddaughter, I can say that m... Read More
Did you ever see a bunch of guinea hens congregating? It is quiet a sight. They will all huddle in a sort of circle and chatter. Daddy said it looked like a bunch of old women in their bonnets, gossiping. Mamma didn't like that much. She said it could just as well be a bunch of old men. We had some guinea hens once when I was a kid. They were loud but very useful. They caught bugs by the millions and were as... Read More
Remember all those giggling times we had as teen-agers? Boy I sure do. Sometimes we would giggle till our tummies hurt. That's OK. Right? Well that's according to where that giggle comes on. In school is not one of the good places, especially when it is supposed to be a serious time. We had JR. And Sr. Plays in high school and I'll never forget our Sr. Play. It was called Ready Made Family and it was so funny. Made even funnier by the antics on stage. I have to say right now that I w... Read More
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