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Tag: experience
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 8 Blogs.
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Our Canadian Thanksgiving has come and gone, November has arrived, and we've just experienced our first snowstorm of the season. It has been quite a year, and Christmas is just around the corner. This year, we are being encouraged to shop early because supply may be a challenge. I am so happy that I don't have to go shopping. Years ago, our two adult children suggested that we should find a Christmas project to donate to, because none of us needed anything. We agreed with their request that if w... Read More
Wow, so many birthdays in the month of July! Last week I turned the big SIX-OH!! How did that happen? Remember as kids we thought 60 was ancient? Heck, 40 was ancient. Time really does give you a perspective on such things, doesn't it? I remember as a child thinking that at 60 I would be a white haired old lady in a rocking chair. Haha. Now I think there's nothing wrong with white hair, I actually love it. I also love the sense o... Read More
After some discussion in bygone blogs about our use of the English language, it brought to mind one of the major projects that was presented to me some twenty-plus years ago. My abilities on the computer were being honed with persistence, and my first two major contracts were to design and print “advertising cards” for companies who wished to advertise through Welcome Wagon, and announcement cards for Christian Women’s Club. Being a home-based business in a rural setting added a lot of roa... Read More
We've just celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving... and I even wrote a blog about it. It has been a busy time in our household... birthday celebrations, a bit of travel, thanksgiving with some of the family and missing the rest, plus the daily activities that hopefully keep us out of trouble. October 22/20 didn't seem to fit in those categories. It has been said that "life is the sum total of all experiences...", and for me, it was a 'dousie'! I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry, but it happe... Read More
With all the reading that I’ve been doing this past few weeks, I have been tempted to revert back to ‘the way things were’ before the global endemic has tried to stop us in our tracks. There was always some place that I wanted to go, someone to visit, do some travelling, go shopping, etc. The media tells us to ‘carry on’ and follow the rules, don’t worry, we’ll get through this, or they tell us that it’s going to get worse, no matter what we do. I don’t want to hear the n... Read More
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