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Tag: fur

Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.

Taming A Shrew
Posted On 08/05/2020 09:41:06 by texasjane
Oscar is a squirrel who was rescued by me when he was just a baby.  My cat, Ashley, raised him and they became friends.  When Ashley pass away I took over his training.  Teaching him to be a squirrel is another story.  Let me get you caught up on Oscar.He and my 200 pound, ancient, gray hound Sweet Pea are best friends.  Sweet Pea moves very slowly these days and no long jumps on anything.  I have to feed her in bed.  Really.  She has a bowl on the bed tha... Read More

Winter time heating in my childhood
Posted On 08/19/2013 16:57:50 by oppsgal
I was born in 1947 when my birth father died in 1950 we moved into a 1/2 double Victorian house, mama's rent was 19 dollars a month.  We had the downstairs. In Ohio the winters can get pretty cold.  I remember mom sticking folded newspapers under all the doors and in the door cracks to keep the air out  we only used one door in wintertime.  and we used  plastic draperies bought at the 10cent store to cover the windows to keep the drafts down, and she would tap... Read More

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