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Tag: garden
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
Have you heard about our garden shed? I did write a blog about it long ago, but because of recent conversations, I decided to post a “Throwback Thursday” edition of that blog, with an update.To explain about my husband’s 2012 winter project, the idea came when we visited a farm antique center in northern California. They were selling garden tool sheds that were made of old barnwood and looked like outhouses. Cute! When we arrived home, our septic system was frozen and we were without facil... Read More
It has been quite the start to the year os 2018. Conflict, disasters, social issues, and slumping economy have grabbed our attention. But I am not going to delve in any of those topics. There are better things to talk about.>There has been a lot of talk in our area about Zeros… at least in the weather. There has been so much snow, that the city doesn’t know what to do with it. Transportation has been difficult at times, but most days, workers did manage to get to their jobs. What about th... Read More
I'm finally back in "my groove", after a wonderful autumn road trip. Being that my next A to Z Challenge letter is 'T', I decided to share a bit of our TRAVEL experience on Vancouver Island. We first visitied the area on our honeymoon, only 53 years ago, and had returned once until this trip. Our granddaughter is attending U of Vic, so we were able to spend a couple of days with her. The gardens were in full autumn splendor, and with all the walking I did with our granddaughter, I can say that m... Read More
Boon-docks? & nbsp;There was a song in the 50's called Down In The Boon-docks. It declared “People put me down cause that's the kind of town I was born in”. Another song proclaimed Someone was born on the wrong side of the tracks. Now I don't know much about the other side but I grew up almost sitting on the tracks. That was a long time ago, and I'm not saying how long for sure. I'll just say I remem... Read More
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