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Tag: gifts
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.
Most people here on The Hill know that we live in the Foothills of the Canadian Rockies. They understand that we have four distinctive seasons, represented by blooming trees and beds of bright flowers, bright cloudless skies and much warmer days, colorful tree leaves and food-producing gardens, and piles of snow and ice-covered rivers and lakes. So… why have I started this blog with that photo? We’re almost through the first week of December, supposedly getting ready for Christma... Read More
My 'To Do' list is getting shorter these days... and writing a short blog will take another item off the list. I have been dropping by NOTH to see what's happening, visiting pages to admire Christmas decorations, and reminding myself that I need to change my page... enough with the "Winter" theme! Because I was a bit short on ideas for my page, I decided to share photos from of our Christmas decorations. We do tend to be somewhat "non-traditional" (not a Santa or an Elf to be found), b... Read More
As much as I am enjoying the autumn colors as we are travelling, through the mountains, and near the ocean, I can't help but be reminded that winter will soon be here. Our decorations will change from pumpkins, colored leaves, and harvest grains to red cranberries, evergreen trees, and a jolly guy who goes by the name of Santa, when he works at the Mall. The month of December is probably the busiest month of the year, if you have family and business commitments. School concerts, office par... Read More
My friend growing up was an only child her parents were blessed with her when they were both in their early 40's. So of course she was given the best of everything. In mid December her Mother would take her to Cleveland on the train and ask me to go along with them. It was such a special thing. As my family was a family that was struggling as my Mom was a widow my father having died leaving us 3 kids for her to support. So a trip like this was a real adventur... Read More
December has become the month of gift-giving in many of our communities, even for those who choose not to celebrate Christmas. Parties for children, visits to hospitals and other facilities, and food and gift drives for needy families. I thought I would share one such activity that has become a tradition in our city ... combining hockey and teddy bears. The teddy bears are shared with a number of charities who help distribute them, and the junior hockey players are busy this week, personally... Read More
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