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Tag: heart
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
As most of you know, dancing has always been my love, my passion. But a few years ago, dancing became a thing of the past, when I fell and broke my back in 3 places. I was told I would be in a wheelchair the rest of my life,,,but I beat the odds and CAN walk. It took a lot of work, strength and encouragement from my family and friends, but I can and do walk. Yes, there are times I need a cane, but I can even get up and dance a few steps...No, not like I used too; but that'... Read More
Oct 28 “Your Compassionate Heart, Papa” Papa it was a kinda trying day in some respects today. Thank You for “being here” for me and making all things work together for good like You always do. You are Faithful. I have a thankful heart tonight for You Papa. You are my shoulder to cry on, to lean on, to sustain me, to be my shelter in storms, my rock in a weary land. When some cause hurt, You bring another alongside to comfort with kindness. You see my tears, You see my smiles. You are so... Read More
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