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Tag: history
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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In the mid-1980s, our two children were both completing their high school education and were trying to decide what they wanted to do as an adult. There were a few ideas, but the question was, “Would Dad and Mom agree?” Our son wanted to sell real estate, like his father did, but had to be convinced that he was too young. Where would he find a customer who would be willing to work with an 18-year old Realtor? Our independent daughter wanted to get a business degree, but not anywhere near hom... Read More
G – Geonealogy-----As far back as I can remember I have always been interested in the lives of my ancestors on both sides of the family plus local history and especially of the early Polish settlers to this area. I am a direct descendant of these early settlers…My Maternal G. G. Grandfather along with his wife and two children, migrated here from Poland in 1848 being amongst the first early settlers to this colony. Then in 1855 and 1856, three of my Paternal G. Great uncles also... Read More
My husband’s father was 19 years old when he emigrated to Canada from Chester-le-Street, a village near Durham in Northern England. He traveled on a cargo ship from Liverpool, England to Halifax, Nova Scotia, then continued west by train, looking for homestead land. He had studied Animal Husbandry in England, and thought the only job he would ever enjoy would to be a farmer. He eventually settle in the province of Saskatch-ewan, met a lovely French lady, and soon had three sons. In his persona... Read More
It seems that there is a much greater interest in dinosaurs during my lifetime. Young children can remember the oddest names for those prehistoric animals, and many have a bag full of toys to play dinosaur stories with their friends.When I was growing up, there was this large dinosaur at the Calgary Zoo, and we always looked forward to having some time to climb up the tail. In the last few years, the Zoo has upgraded the Prehistoric Park and it has become a highly favored spot for family fun.The... Read More
HERMITS ....sechandler 8 24 14 What is a hermit? Usually it is someone who chooses to close themselves off from society as much as they can. Only associating with people to buy necessities. Today in my local paper there was an article about two Hermits that lived near by my town, They lived in Plymouth Ohio even today it's a small sleepy country town with not much action. Except when the flyer comes out on Tuesdays for the local grocery store then the pick u... Read More
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