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Tag: hobby
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.
This blog may seem to be a repeat of things that many of us have experienced and thought about, but here I am… writing again now that I have some “extra” time on my hands. We had an experience a couple of days ago that got me thinking about all the “new” stuff we have learned to enjoy during our lifetime… a lifetime that may seem to be very long, but in the whole scheme of things it is less than an instant. I recently wrote about the progress of photographs from hand-tinting stu... Read More
When I was writing my latest blog, sharing my passion for photos and photography, my mind was all over the place. Why am I so hooked on photos? Are others in my family just as 'hooked' on photos? Has my love of photos opened other avenues of interest for me? I decided that if I included everything that I wanted to say, the blog would be too long, and it would be boring. But it is hard to keep me quiet!!!!!For me, my photos are my version of a personal journal. I never kept a diary or wrote a jou... Read More
I have always had a deep fascination with cameras and photos, now evidensed by the bookshelves and boxes filled with photo albums. My mother had a Kodak box camera when I arrived, but took only pictures that she could afford to have developed. I still remember the film, rolled on a spindle, and carefully mounted in her camera. I believe that there were 12 pictures on a roll, which was then taken to town, to the drug store to be developed. She would carefully preserved each picture in the family... Read More
Before I take you on a new “Armchair Adventure”, I need to give you a bit of background. My husband Ed worked for Alberta Government Telephones as a repairman, lineman, and plant inspector in the early 1950s. Most of his work was in rural districts, but when he was transferred to head office in Edmonton, other business opportunities came his way, and he resigned with over 10 years of experience in the telephone industry. In the 1980s he began to collect vintage telephones, which kept increas... Read More
We are home after a wonderful road trip through the Canadian Rockies, and to visit our daughter and family in Washington state. I thought I would share one of our stops, with a bit of an explanation.I have been a collector of telephone/telegraph insulators for years. If you have read my page, my only explanation of this collection is because they are a part of our history, and many are just pretty glass! It started when my husband began collecting vintage telephones. We often encountered people... Read More
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