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Seniors Watching Out for Each Other
Posted On 09/04/2020 18:55:08 by texasjane
I was in the store the other day. We all looked like a bunch of bandits waiting to check out. I noticed a woman in another line was purchasing a small gun. I looked at this white haired woman and wondered if the news of the day had caused her to make such a purchase.Then she started to check out. The cashier's cell phone rang, he did not look up but started playing with his cell phone. Without looking up he said, "Strip down." Now, the poor woman shrugged her shoulders and removed her hat. ... Read More

Talent Quest
Posted On 07/27/2020 07:52:38 by texasjane
I am not quite sure how old I was when the quest for finding my talent began.  I think it really started, in my mind, one night when we were all watching the Miss America pageant on TV.Each girl would come out and do something to showcase her talent.  It was easy for my younger sister.  She sang about everything.  Singing came natural to her. When I tried to sing the dogs would howl and people around me would scrunch up their faces and put their hands over their ears.  I... Read More

What If?
Posted On 06/26/2020 08:36:18 by texasjane
When one reaches a certain age they look at things as either a nightmare or an adventure.  Climbing stairs, getting up and down, and even walking.  What happens when it is both? It all started when I heard the dogs barking outside. It was a different kind of bark. Not the someone just crossed the street bark but a someone is in the yard bark. Our recent yard parties with raccoon made me go to the yard to check. Once we even had a stray dog get in the yard so this was a necessary trip.&... Read More

What's New?
Posted On 06/12/2020 08:27:32 by texasjane
What's New? At our ages the list of possible answers is getting shorter. My second husband and I used to have a company we named "What's New." We basically took statuary.. glued a flower pot on the back of it and made a mold over the whole thing. We then filled the mold with many different things. Our most popular pieces were made of marble.It would come out as a fancy flower pot or planter. I had learned to carve and to make molds. He was a CPA by trade but had always wanted to go into business... Read More

A Special Memory Relived
Posted On 06/05/2020 09:25:23 by texasjane
I had begun to really enjoy my new project of going through boxes pack since 2009. I had packed them up and moved them to the lake house and never opened them. I had marked the box, Grandmother, so it remained untouched until this weekend. I decided the lock down would count for something. I opened a small cigar box that was very old. It had been my treasure box when I was a kid. I was thrilled to find the rhinestones and ball tucked inside a velvet bag. This had been a special gift from m... Read More

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