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Tag: horses
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
A hearty ‘Howdy’ and a firm handshake is a familiar greeting in our area.. it’s cowboy country! But it is not limited to the rural area, but in the city as well. The western flavor of the city of Calgary is beginning to fade, being replaced by huge skyscrapers and big business. That is, until the annual first week in July. For 10 days, the world famous Calgary Exhibition and Stampede has a grip on the city. The kick-off to the event is the Stampede Parade through downtown. The streets are... Read More
Today I thought I would take you to the Rangeland Derby at the Calgary Stampede, better known as the Chuckwagon Races. It is still my favorite event, even though there are some who want it to be banned. (They are the ones who don't know what they are talking about!) My interest started when I was very young because a well-known Alberta family in Chuckwagon racing were neighbors of my parents when we lived on the farm. I think it is now the fourth generation who have been racing at the Calgary St... Read More
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