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Tag: kids
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
As a retired teacher being asked to volunteer at a day care center was a thrill. I took my entire collection of DVD’s with the complete Lone Ranger series to a day care center for the homeless. This was inspired by my time with the Special Olympics group. All children seemed to like them so I gambled these kids would too. None of these kids had ever heard of The Lone Ranger.I announced to the kids I had something special to show them. I went on to say this was about a hero I had when I was a k... Read More
I was around 8 years old, my brother 12 and my sister 5. My mom had been a widow for 3 years. When she first invited her co worker Jack to meet us all. He came over after dinner one evening. I look back and can imagine her being nervous. We were given our orders to be nice and to mind our manners when we would meet her friend. Jack arrived it was about 6:30 in November. It was cold and dark outside because i remember my sister and I crawling back behind... Read More
December has become the month of gift-giving in many of our communities, even for those who choose not to celebrate Christmas. Parties for children, visits to hospitals and other facilities, and food and gift drives for needy families. I thought I would share one such activity that has become a tradition in our city ... combining hockey and teddy bears. The teddy bears are shared with a number of charities who help distribute them, and the junior hockey players are busy this week, personally... Read More
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