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Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
Well, I did it! You would think that if I was going to make a spectacle of myself, I would do it in some deserted corner of town where there would be no witnesses. But no, I did it right in front of the shop that I had just left. I had even asked the clerk to put my purchases in a small bag so that I wouldn’t drop any of it when trying to unlock the door of my vehicle. Last Friday was a great day, especially after the piles of snow that we were gifted with a couple of weeks ago. The roads were... Read More
Here comes my personal "never to be humble" opinions ... still the same as it was in 2014!I don't like talking about the weather because whining and complaining does no good ... it is what it is! I don't need to know who had a muffin and coffee for breakfast (... or dinner!). If I posted what I did or did not have for a particular meal, someone would have something to say about the nutritional content that I put in my body;I hate to be bored or boring. If I am, I hope someone will tell me;I... Read More
At the risk of being considered a "know-nothing anti-environmentalmist, and country bumpkin", I invite you to add that I was born and raised in Alberta to American born parents (two out of three ain't bad!!!). I received this link from friend who thought is was worthwhile to pass it on for consideration. So here I am ... For those who do not live in Alberta or Canada, Rex Murphy is a Canadian journalist for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Company), based in Toronto, Ontario. He was born and... Read More
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