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Tag: living
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
When we moved from the city to our present country location in 1975, we were willing to get pets to join our family, thinking it would help our son and daughter make the transition from city to rural living.Kathy, our eight year old daughter had requested to have an orange cat, and Jason, our nine year old son wanted any kind of dog to play with. In short order, the orange cat arrived and was named 'Cfer' by our daughter, and an adult German Shepherd who loved the outdoors, became our son's con... Read More
When I was 12 I just couldn't wait to be a teenager. I thought I would really be something then. In my teen years I found out it wasn't as great as I had thought so I started looking forward to 21. Now that's when things will really get good I thought. Lo and behold when I turned 21 I discovered that this was not good at all. I had more responsibilities and things were not near as easy as I thought they were gonna' be.After my 20's I started thinking that things just had to get bet... Read More
We had just finished our dinner this evening, and a visitor dropped by ... again, without an invitation. We thought we had explained to the wildlife in our neighborhood that they were welcome to drop by, but to stay on the path that will take them to the river, and not wander through restricted places. Our back patio is definitely a restricted area, but for some reason this one seems to think we won't notice her. Of course, my camera is always handy, and here she is ... Banging on th... Read More
For those who have learned a bit about me from my page, and/or my "talking" here on The Hill, you will know that I am NOT a gardener. I no longer even pretend that I like to garden. We have so many deer in our neighborhood, and I refuse to grow anything (except rhubarb, which they don't fancy) that will produce a delicious snack for them. There are enough hay fields in our area so they can't be THAT hungry. We now have silk flower in the pots on our front and back patios, which they leave alone.... Read More
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