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Tag: neighbor
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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Good neighbor boot camp continues as I am once again forced to have a chat with my neighbor George. Bertha and Oscar seem to love playing together. George still insists on walking Bertha down the street. The dogs still discuss the situation... Loudly. A familiar smell told me I was going to have a talk with George. Poor dear. He is so proud of Bertha. He actually smooches with her. George loves the loud purring and meows as the cat rubs against him. All of... Read More
Speaking for myself, I'm getting sick and tired of 'know-alls' who seem to be dominating the media. It seems that the only news we now want to check on is local news, in case there is something that we need to be aware of that has changed, even in the last 24 hours. The national and international news seems to be a different matter, and we don’t want to get into any unhappy conversation with friends and family, when we really don’t know the ‘facts’, particularly in the political world. I... Read More
It makes no difference what your religious beliefs are. Whom ever you thank when circumstances require a miracle or when a miracle has been witnessed. Your miracle maker is the one you think of when you say, Oh My God. I recently wrote about how busy I have been since our nation went on lock down. The phone calls asking if I am all right. The phone calls for my help with frightened children. I had a story telling hot line going. I would start a story and then leave it up to the fami... Read More
When do the wonderful men in our area have the most fun? When they are working on a project together. Some are ranchers, working together to drive cattle from one feeding area to another, or loading the animals to transport them to market. They also work together at branding time, and the women join in by supplying meals for them. What about the guys in the neighborhood who are not ranchers? When we first moved from the city to our rural location, we were all 'displaced' city slickers and h... Read More
I have been mulling over the very active "discussion" as a result of one of the posts this past weekend. Even though I am a dual citizen of Canada and U.S.A., I try not to get involved in discussions that become a 'war of words' instead of a friendly sharing of personal opinions. Every single person, no matter their age, has the opportunity to learn from others if they take the time to listen at least some of the time. Everyone who declares they are 'Christian', must surely know the simple vers... Read More
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