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Tag: news
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 12 Blogs.
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So a few days ago, I learned that The Banner news would be ceasing publication. At first I was taken by surprise, yet at the same time, my inner being reminded me that with endings come new beginnings. I’ve witnessed this many times in my life. ... Read More
For me, last week was quite a week of celebration. It wasn’t a personal celebration, but a global recognition of Elizabeth, the reigning queen of Britain and the Commonwealth. Can you imagine that it is seventy years of commitment to a life of service that began at a very young age when her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, an... Read More
The summer of 2021 has created a lot of questions in “face-to-face” and “cyber” conversations with family and friends … ‘Who are you visiting these days?’, ‘What is occupying your time?’, ‘When were your happiest days this year?’, ‘Where are you most days?’, ‘Why have you stopped writing blogs?’ Here comes my attempt to answer as best that I can, and if this gets too long, take a break or find something that is more interesting to read. 1. &n... Read More
Many of my cyber-friends know that I’m not much for watching TV. I love music, and I love to learn new stuff, so I am a fan of YouTube. Politics is something that I won’t discuss if at all possible. So much of what is on TV is focused, either directly or indirectly, to current trends and politics, peppered with antagonistic, hurtful, and unsubstantiated accusations. I’m a Canadian, living in an area that apparently produces ‘dirty oil’. Maybe they meant to say that oil makes you... Read More
I’ve had some extra time this past week to do different things, some that I put off for a long time, and some were experiments that I’ve thought about before, but didn’t have any “spare” time. It has been very cold in our area… some claiming that there were a few record lows in the past century. Of course, there are always some who will complain if it is only two degrees below freezing, or raining on their planned day for travelling, or shopping, or any other outdoor activity,... Read More
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