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Viewing 1 - 5 out of 95 Blogs.
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Super Moon
Posted On 10/06/2023 13:07:36 by dyannie
Super Moon
Last night I looked up, At the Sky.
And saw Full Moon, So smooth and bright.
A Super Moon shown, The past two  days.   Peeking through the clouds, Showing off  its "Phase".   I was mesmerized, At the beauty exposed.

From this Super Moon, (That seemed so close)to Earth ....


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I survived the DMV office
Posted On 07/15/2023 20:19:28 by momtocam
So yesterday (Friday) I decided to renew my drivers license..even though it doesn't expire till end of next month. Earlier I had made an attempt to schedule an appointment, which would have made things so much easier. Apparently, that was no longer an option, as the earliest spot available is September. My courage and just plain annoyance of this dreaded requirement of life, nudged me on to their office mid day. Mind you, they don't even allow you to come in till after 12 pm. I drove up precisel... Read More

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Posted On 10/18/2022 09:28:42 by Beth777
Okay, not really a "Blog" but a handy recipe for those of you who like the seasonal flavor of pumpkin spice. When shopping recently I noticed the store was out of pumpkin pie spice, a staple for this time of year. The price on the shelf though, was more than $5.00 for a small container!  It's got to be much cheaper to make it so here we go...... Read More

Have you seen Mayberry Man?
Posted On 06/24/2022 18:48:03 by momtocam
Life growing up in the 60’s and 70’s was quite unique. More often than ever, I find myself reminiscing about the good old days. There was a lot of fun, family based television shows to choose from. Fast forward to current times, my television isn’t even on unless the hubby is home. I prefer the quiet solitude of silence … or reading a good book.
A few days ago my twin sister shared with me her discovery of a movie that was apparently released last year. It is now available on Amazon P... Read More

A Diamond Jubilee
Posted On 06/11/2022 14:46:46 by yourchoice
For me, last week was quite a week of celebration. It wasn’t a personal celebration, but a global recognition of Elizabeth, the reigning queen of Britain and the Commonwealth. Can you imagine that it is seventy years of commitment to a life of service that began at a very young age when her father died in February 1952, Elizabeth—then 25 years old—became queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan, an... Read More

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