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Tag: party
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
This week has gone so fast for me… and I missed Thursday. I was ready to do a ‘Throwback Thursday’ Blog, but now it will look like a “throwback weekend”. My husband and I met in a small prairie town where we both worked. He was the telephone foreman in town, and I was a nurse in the 19-bed hospital. We loved the community but some of the “traditions” were new to us. We had a very personal introduction to a “chivaree” party, traditionally conducted for ‘newlyweds’. ... Read More
Sunday and Super Bowl filled our past weekend. I'm not much of a sports fan, but my husband and son are fans of about any sport. That's why my husband and I both wear headsets and the TV is on mute (in addition to both having hearing problems). He watches sports and I listen to music while I'm on my laptop, and we do a bit of chatting during commercials!!!Because our daughter and family live in the Seattle area, the family supports their football and baseball teams, and when we visit, we often a... Read More
Five years ago I stood in washington DC with a group of disastisfied American citizens. The group was given the name of "tea party" as for me and the group I was with we did not want to become a party.. or a part of a party we wanted to just be independent citizens who were concerned with what was happening to our freedoms and the nation we loved.... I had written this years before.. and in part the issues I wrote about are the same issues today.. not much has changed.... since 2001.... Read More
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