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Tag: play
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
We ate what we grew in the 50's and 60's. Bought flour, meal, sugar, and other staples at a store when needed. Everything was made from scratch and it was all oh so good. Meat, eggs, milk, butter and the like also tasted better than it does now. Chicken was fried in Mamas big iron skillet in hog lard. We ate lots of bacon and eggs and all the salt and grease our hearts desired. Unhealthy? Thats what they say now. Hey! I'm 70 and... Read More
When I started first grade Brenda was in the second grade. She was seven month's older and her birthday fell so she could start before me. We both hated it. The morning I started to school Brenda and I were so sure that we could again be together all the time the way we had been all our lives. How wrong we were. We of course were in different rooms and only saw one another at recess. Well I dont know how Brenda made it through the first grade without me I just knew it was a hard time for m... Read More
By Golly we had a swimming pool when I was a kid. Yep! We were up there jiving with the best of them. On hot days Mama would draw water from the well and fill a big wash tub. The tub was placed under the shady walnut trees in the front yard. Some people had fancy ones shaped like our modern bathtubs but we only had the tubs Mama used for washing clothes. We could play in or out of the water. Splashing around like ducks. Speaking of ducks we had two white ones. They loved our swi... Read More
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