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Tag: poor
Viewing 1 - 2 out of 2 Blogs.
Five years ago I stood in washington DC with a group of disastisfied American citizens. The group was given the name of "tea party" as for me and the group I was with we did not want to become a party.. or a part of a party we wanted to just be independent citizens who were concerned with what was happening to our freedoms and the nation we loved.... I had written this years before.. and in part the issues I wrote about are the same issues today.. not much has changed.... since 2001.... Read More
Memories are what we draw on to remember people places and times in our life that made us either happy or sad. I choose the happy ones especially on a day when I tend to be sad or down about the things of now. Life was so simple when I was growing up. Probably due mostly to the fact that my Loving Parents took care to make me happy and protected. I just didn't know things were hard. That is a gift my Parents gave me that can never be replaced. That warm, safe, feeling loved, and wonderful yo... Read More
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