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Tag: rain
Viewing 1 - 5 out of 7 Blogs.
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I have received some wonderful private messages from friends here on The Hill, and other sources. I thought I was giving everyone a “break”, because I’ve been known to be an adamant and frequent user of words, both in live conversations, text messages, emails, and blogs. However, the messages are checking to see if all is well at our patch of land, has our ‘isolation’ become a ‘seclusion’, or have I been distracted by more interesting activities. Well, here comes a ‘deluge’... Read More
Several years ago, our dear friend who works for a major airlines, surprised us with two buddy passes, and we could fly anywhere that her company had schedules. The surprise came shortly after I completed a year of therapy in an effort to get my injured foot working again. When we asked her for suggestions that she thought I would be able to handle, she told us about the train pass that she thought we would enjoy. If we purchased the pass before we left home, we would be able to take the train a... Read More
Today is a gray day, the air is muggy, and if you go outside it feels as if your oxygen is being supressed. I don't go outside on days like this because I have breathing problems. And although it's only in the low 70's I have the A/C turned on. But I do enjoy sitting in the chair at my bedroom window and looking outside. I see so many things, the leaves are turning bottom up waiting on the rain to come. A mourning dove waddles around in the grass underneath th... Read More
Well guess what ?'s raining again today. Sometimes I'm glad I live up a beacon and not by the river. Terrible scenes for a week now of houses and cars submerged by filthy water. I feel so sorry for all those affected. But my week has been just as terrible in a different way. It feels as though someone has opened my door and thrown a bomb into the room. My grandson is ill. Very Ill. Not physically but his mind has become disturbed. He is only 14 years old and much loved by all his famil... Read More
My friend growing up was an only child her parents were blessed with her when they were both in their early 40's. So of course she was given the best of everything. In mid December her Mother would take her to Cleveland on the train and ask me to go along with them. It was such a special thing. As my family was a family that was struggling as my Mom was a widow my father having died leaving us 3 kids for her to support. So a trip like this was a real adventur... Read More
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