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BLOGS: A blog, simply put, is something you have written, or written about.

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Tag: recipe

Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Posted On 10/18/2022 09:28:42 by Beth777
Okay, not really a "Blog" but a handy recipe for those of you who like the seasonal flavor of pumpkin spice. When shopping recently I noticed the store was out of pumpkin pie spice, a staple for this time of year. The price on the shelf though, was more than $5.00 for a small container!  It's got to be much cheaper to make it so here we go...... Read More

Mayonnaise Cake
Posted On 07/04/2015 15:28:24 by yourchoice
What a fun day we've had today. If you have read my previous blogs, you may remember that we have added to our family, a father and son from South America. Father lives with us this summer, and his son comes for the weekends, if his dad is not working. We learned that in Venezuela, mayonnaise is much preferred over butter. They spread mayo on food that I had never thought about. I recently found the recipe that I baked many times when our children were growing up... Mayonnaise Cake. It is the be... Read More

UK to USA measurements
Posted On 07/27/2013 02:45:22 by JAEB
Can anyone out there give me some advice?  Liking to try difgerent recipes from time to time I have recently found some interesting ones from the USA.  However, these refer to 'Cups' fort the ingredients and I've no iodea how to translate this into either Imperial or Metric amounts.   Any help would be much appreciated.
... Read More

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