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Tag: red

Viewing 1 - 5 out of 5 Blogs.

Posted On 07/07/2015 10:02:53 by Derrough

Here's how it goes!

1) Although we are 30 hours driving time away from the closest forest fires in Saskatchewan.. the smell of particulate smoke still kept me awake most of the night...(3rd night).

2) Hillsdale is a wee small hamlet stuck in almost the middle of nowhere; we have..no grocery store..no groggery..no gas pumps..no restaurant..no pub..no variety store/ dépanneur...no sewer system. We DO have town water for what it is worth.

3) We 'uns is country fol... Read More

Posted On 01/22/2015 13:01:21 by Notgrnyyet
  Have you ever just wanted to box someones jaws? I mean you'd just like to turn someone any which way but loose. Of course you can't and wouldn't do that. But I've sure wanted toA lady called here the other night and started a spiel about something she was selling. I thought that what it was but now I'm not sure.In the first place I couldn't understand a thing she was saying so I did just what I usually do. I hung up on her. She called back, “Thes is veely m'portent Meem”. “Well... Read More

Mayday! Mayday!
Posted On 10/29/2013 12:56:30 by Derrough
Mayday! Mayday!

Calling all units!

Hillsdale outpost reporting..

We are presently under attack!
We are presently under attack!

We are taking heavy bombardment from the air.
Many enemy units observed.
There is a possibility this defensive position will be overrun.
We estimate the enemy outnumber us two to one..

Scouts have identified it as the red Unit which is attacking our position!
Until now we had assumed no Reds in this quadrant.... Read More

Thanks Everyone
Posted On 08/12/2013 19:27:45 by lyliston
I have tried three other times today to post this thank you for the featured status this week,but never could get it to post when using my laptop.  Tonight I am using my Kindle to see if I have any better luck with that.  Sorry I don't post often and have to relearn how to operate this web site every time.... Read More

Happy is the man who ...
Posted On 06/18/2013 18:29:59 by yourchoice
Happy is the man who finally has tires on his tractor. This has been my husband's winter project, and he's almost finished. The next step is to get a bit of fuel in the tank, to see if they can get this John Deere started. If you would like to see the progress that has been accomplished, thanks to several buddies who were so helpful in the project, click on the picture above. Now they are encouraging Ed to enter it in a community antique impliment parade. I haven't heard when that would be ...... Read More

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