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Tag: reunion
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
Following graduation, the class of nurses went their separate ways, to find their first job as a Registered Nurse (known as an RN), continue their education, or to finally marry the love of their life (which was not allowed during training days). They were now members of the Hospital Alumnae, and made concerted efforts to travel back to attend the annual Alumnae Banquet. Traditionally, each class planned their own class reunion every five years, which included attending the Alumnae Banquet. The... Read More
It’s about time that I get my act together and get back to my friends on The Hill. It has been a busy year for me, often events that didn’t include my fun times on here on with my friends, new ones and long-time friends. Some things were medical related, and I’m back to my normal, which I am thankful for. Other activities were much more fun. I was given the responsibility to organize activities for the reunion of my nursing class. We would be celebrating the 55th Anniversary of our gradua... Read More
I finally found a bit of time to visit on The Hill, the first since before the weekend. Since the weather had improved from the wet and cold previous week, we travelled to visit my husbands' oldest brother and his wife, who are both in their 90s. Today was a wonderful day in the city ... enjoyed lunch with a nursing classmate who was in Calgary for the day. I'm not sure we absorbed all the stuff we talked about, squeezing in news from the past year. There is something about the 'sister... Read More
Many of my friends here on The Hill have known that I have been involved in the planning of my family's Cenntenial Celebrations ... 100 years since my mother's family came to Alberta, Canada from South Dakota. We decided it was a good excuse for a party, and to re-acquaint ourselves, especially with the younger families. My particular responsibility was to have our Family Tree current and up-to-date, and to collect photographs, old and new from members of the family. We collected the photos to P... Read More
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