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Tag: school
Viewing 1 - 3 out of 3 Blogs.
Last week, I experienced several ‘gold-star’ events and my mind is still whirling. It was a week of emotional highs and lows, mixed with hugs, smiles and tears. In my quiet times back home, I’ve thought about the friends that I have ‘accumulated’ over more than ‘three score and ten’ years in my life. Friends… how did they get to be on my ‘List of Friends’! Where did I meet them? What happened to make us think that we could be friends? My week began with a text message, t... Read More
I started to school in 1950 at Altus Denning Grade School. Things started changing fast once we got off the dead end road and started to school. Things just were not as simple anymore. Mama and Daddy were not around to get us out of messes we may get ourselves in to. We were not used to this. Teachers didn't seem to be worth a darn to me. Useless! If I wanted a peanut butter sandwich at 10 AM they wouldn't get it for me. Out fo... Read More
I had never realized how very Blessed I was until I started to school and became more aware of my surroundings. I learned very young that it is not 'stuff' that you have but the 'stuff' in your heart that really counts. That was a lesson I learned at home and how was I to know that everyone didn't know it. HUH?I've always heard that kids can be so cruel. Well that is not necessarily so. It is what you learn as you are growing up that shapes your character. I learned from wi... Read More
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