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Tag: spring
Viewing 1 - 4 out of 4 Blogs.
This weekend marks the least favorite time of year for me. Can you say TIRED? The bags sure to come under my eyes may go away by the time we do this again in November…but, at least by then, I can catch that lost hour. Time will tell. I prefer to call it Daylight Insanity Time. It messes with our... Read More
I have a question! Has spring arrived at your location? OK, we live in different areas, some even in the southern hemisphere, so you can tell me what season you are enjoying. The one thing that we do have in common is the world-wide pandemic. Perhaps I should ask if the pandemic has arrived in your neighborhood. Do you have a family member, a neighbor, a co-worker who has been diagnosed with coronavirus? If you have been separated from your family or living alone, how are you spending your day?... Read More
Hi, friend, So glad to be back on The Hill... Wish I could get here more often. In another month I will be able to. Thank you so much for being my friend. Busy working & getting caught up on finances. Big 'puter problems, & TC worked so long & hard to get things right. God Bless Him & the Cloud8 Computer Services. I don't like W-10, loved XP. Must advance, though & take advantage of the "wonderful" advances in technology. Still have a flip phone, it does have photo... Read More
So it goes like this. Made a nice batch of savoury scones for brunch with scallions, shallots, diced garlic, extra sharp chedder, dill weed and a few secret ingredients from the witch's pantry. Cooked 'em up... Enjoyed them mightily. Yummy scrumptious! Then... Was sitting here minding my own business.... Catching up on some history/genealogy/news/graphic s etc... When the mousetrap snapped shut under the sink. Marcel goes into the kitchen to collec... Read More
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